Green Buoy Consulting

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A Note from Eliza on COVID-19

Dear Community, 

I wanted to share a few thoughts and updates on how we at Green Buoy are processing this overwhelming moment and our plans for business in the foreseeable future. I’m writing this March 17, 2020, and coronavirus has come in full force. People are social-distancing, worried about getting sick, seeing family members fall ill and contemplating impending economic collapse. 

As a new New York City resident with a large extended family in the Pacific Northwest, news is hitting me from two sides of the country. My heart is with others feeling stress, overwhelm, worry, economic anxiety, and uncertainty. I feel all those too. 

This is a scary time to be a business owner dependent on other businesses’ free flowing capital to operate. But it’s not a time for business as usual.

I wanted to share some thoughts and how Green Buoy plans to conduct business under these unprecedented circumstances. 

  1. We are still open for business. If you are interested in sustainability or are looking to strategize a plan for your business, please reach out. I’m continuing work with clients across the country-exclusively online- and find mutual respite in helping them uncover sustainability savings, work towards B Corp status or find new product market fits. 

  2. If you’re a teacher, company, or individual struggling with this new online reality and need a free sustainability resource, please reach out. I’m happy to live stream, chat or answer questions for all ages and groups.  

  3. Out of sensitivity, I will not be posting scheduled blogs, sharing content, or doing my usual “outreach” activities for a little while. I can’t find a way to reconcile “10 New Tips for Your Sustainable Business” with respect to those that have lost loved ones, are sick, and are dealing with immense anxiety and stress. If you’re interested in learning more about sustainability resources, please check out my past blog posts, or again, contact me directly.  

Part of a comprehensive approach to sustainability is putting humanity into business and that has been ingrained into Green Buoy from day one. It's clear that our current system is failing us, and building a more sustainable future is our primary goal. Thank you for your business, support and interest as always.


Eliza Erskine, Founder