Green Buoy Consulting

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A COVID-19 Follow up From Eliza

It’s been a month since my previous Covid-related update and I’m eager to continue our conversation now that we’ve settled a bit into our new realities. 

Two things are still true and will continue to be true:

  1. We are still open for business. If you are interested in sustainability or are looking to strategize a plan for your business, please reach out. I’m continuing work with clients across the country-exclusively online- and find mutual respite in helping them uncover sustainability savings, work towards B Corp status or find new product-market fits. 

  2.  If you’re a teacher, company, or individual struggling with this new online reality and need a free sustainability resource, please reach out. I’m happy to live stream, chat or answer questions for all ages and groups.  

This past month, I’ve been attending an excessive amount of webinars (anyone else?) on how to lead, sell, sleep, live, stretch and “work”, supporting clients and considering how Green Buoy can assist businesses in “these times.” I relied heavily on expert advice, brainstorming and our own brand value of “ Strong businesses grow when owners do what they do best” to figure out the best next steps.

For me to be my best, I stepped away from planned content, recalibrated and went through multiple options and iterations for supporting the Green Buoy community. I decided for the first month that it was the best decision to step back from content and not add to what I found to be an excess of information. 

Watching others’ reactions, asking clients for information and seeing the news, it’s clear that there is a need for sustainability leadership and information. It’s only become clearer that business as usual won’t suffice and it’s up to those that care about the future of business to step up. And that means us. 

So I see it as part of our job to help shine a light on sustainability in business, provide practical tips for businesses with remote workers and share the importance of sustainable business. 

With that in mind, you can plan to see the following from us in the next few months:

  1. Planning and considering content that would help businesses in new situations

  2. Sharing limited helpful resources I’ve found

  3. Sharing work with existing clients that I’m proud of that might help you support your business

None of us know when “this” will end and we will go back to “normal.” In the meantime, I hope we can all do business in a way that’s best for ourselves, our communities, our employees and the environment. 

Will you join me?
